Saturday, February 5, 2011

No, I Didn't Forget.

Freesia, freesia, freesia...
Besides from the bulbs I planted, very similar (or should I say the same) leaves started appear here and there, everywhere in my back yard.  The previous homeowner must've planted freesia bulbs long ago, and it seems the original ones have grown underground and spread in my backyard.  My mom told me Freesia is somewhat invasive, so I will dig them up next spring and share the bulbs with friends.

Anyway, here's the progress of 'my' freesia. 

So, this is how the first sprout looked like back in October.

 18 days later (one month after planting), they kind of looked like bunny ears.

 Two weeks later (44 days after planting), the bulbs I planted in my front yard looked like these...

 ...and the ones in the backyard.  Backyard receives more sun, so that maybe why these bulbs are doing better than the ones in the front yard?

 Freesia tilted and grew out of control.  But wait, I think I see some flower buds already!

Close-up picture of the buds.

These are a part of the 'stray' freesias in my backyard.  They, too, have buds.  I think the smell in the backyard will be wonderful once they all bloom.

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